Priestess TV Episode 13: Transitioning with Jade McKenzie

This week on Priestess TV, I talk with our special guest Jade Mckenzie. Jade is a business owner, event manager specialist, and internationally award winning professional coach. This episode’s topic is Transitions.

Whether it is in our personal life, business life, or spiritual life, we are all bound to face a challenging transition at some point. How best do we handle these transitions so that we may move on to the next step of our lives? Jade will talk us through a recent transition she has faced that has affected every aspect of her life. We will talk about methods of moving through a transition, accepting support, and finding what the next step is.


02:50- Transition vs Journey, Reclaiming
05:27- Moving to the next step
12:00- Grieving 
16:00- Jade’s Daughter

Jade McKenzie

Jade is the owner of Event Head and a 5 x internationally award winning event professional and business coach. With over 15 years experience in event management and business development in various sectors, Jade is everyone’s go-to event pro. She is also the co-host of the Reawakened Women podcast for women in transition. Recently separated from her husband of 9 years, Jade is trying to gracefully navigate this new chapter in life with a 5 year old and untangle two lives that have been interwoven for more than a decade.


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Thank you for being with us for this episode of Priestess TV!

Sora Schilling